Site re-design #5. The challenge of editing.

Ridge shot to the North

Well, if you've dropped around here in the last couple of weeks, you will have noticed no less than five, yes- five, site changes! White sites, green sites, military themes, a bit of everything in fact. I realize it's crazy, but I guess I can't help myself. You know, that tendency to never give up until it's "just right?" Yeah, that's the one I've got a major problem with. I was mentioning this to a friend this last week, admiting that I am the 'King of Editing." Whether it's a drawing, a website, a new print or a recording of a new song, I will go crazy exploring as many options as I can, until I can have a little peace that I've got something I can live with. Although it seems to work out it the end, it can certainly drive me a little crazy. Okay, a 'lot' crazy! But I can't help it!! Oh well, I hope everyone enjoys the changes and the new "new look." Although you (and I) should take it with a grain of salt, I will now declare the new site style and reworking "officially complete." Don't quote me on that though : )...... As for the 'season changes' - forget it : ), I'm done.

Otherwise, my only site additions will be:

-Icons....yes, site icons, I really like them and have made some for the site. I've got to watch it though, I've got prints to make and these little icons are fun to make! Speaking of which- what do you think that icon on the homepage is? I'd love to hear some guesses. I'll post some of the better ones.

-Prints: Yes, by the end of December I will actually add some photographs of the new prints. I've got to cut templates for my printing, which I need to do outside. However, with the temperatures being in the -15 C to -25 C mark, I've been putting it off. But this week I have no excuse, it's going to be a balmy -6 to -9C. Ah, winter in Canada. At least there is a little snow. I wouldn't complain if we got a bunch more though!

Take care all- only 17 days to Christmas.....

Oh, I haven't put any photos together, but the one at the top is one of my favourites from King Creek Ridge in the Kananaskis. It was a cold day and I was wearing my shorts (duh...). It was beautiful though. That wall of rock when you reach the ridge is just outstanding, as are the views down the valley.